MOST Recent Posts:

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Some of Our Postcards and
Nail Art Decal Designs that Are Getting More Views At The Moment !

I Just Discovered on Our Pinterest Pages that Some of our

are Starting To get More Views...!
Also This One...

And this One,

Discover the Surprising Story Behind this

'Tropical' Photo on our 📸PHOTO-Blog !

And these Fashionable (Nature Inspired) Nail Art Decals are really 'Heating Up' at the Moment...

Discover More About Our Fashion Designs On our 📸PHOTO-Blog ! in Today's Post Titled:

Good - Sunny - Morning Today Ginkgo Biloba Leaves We Make Them Fashionable !

Monday, August 26, 2024

Going On My Blogs Is Like - Having Fun at the MALL -,
and MALL's Do Not Only Have Shops...!

Yesterday on TV I saw 
a Documentary telling about 

- Shopping 
MALL's -
How Visitors Besides Shopping also are 
Provided with all kind 
of different Experiences like for example; 

Cinema Entertainment, Art Galleries, Floral-Decoration(s), Music, Restaurants, 
Co-Working Spaces etc. etc.

Also on My Blog(s) (and Social Media)

- if you like -, it also can be Somewhat like

"Going to the MALL" with things like...,

When looking for a Shopping MALL Photo On Twitter I discovered this Video, Showing you a Pretty Amazing 

Shopping MALL Design !  

"Going To The MOVIES" 
on our 🎬MOVIE-Blog, or like 
"Going to an Art Gallery" 
on our 🎨EDS-Cartoon & Art-Blog

Discover All Kind of 
On Our 🎵MUSIC-Blog

or things Like 

on our 👍 Healthy Lifestyle Blog !

and we even have several types of possible (online) 'Co-Working Spaces' 
on all of our Blogs and Social Media
 with a Possibility for you to - Interact -
(with us and other Webvisitors) by     

Writing Comments on Blog posts, 
Give Comments/Retweets, and Likes on our 


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Looking Back at Some of My
First Blogposts on this Blog, Up till Now

Also On my Music-Blog and on Several of my Other Blogs, 
I look back on 
some of My First Blogposts..., 

and I like to do the Same on this Blog...

In general I did get 
Pretty Many Views on my Writing Blog posts 
(on my second writing Blog) 

Friday, August 23, 2024

August Photo Challenge
Today's Choice: - Quotes - and
Did You See Our - PEN - & Office Supplies Designs...?

What are Your Favorite
Inspirational Quotes...?

Did also See
Our (Pages !) of

Pens &
Office Supplies

Get Excited About Inspirational Product Review Writing,
Easily Get Inspiration By Writing About The Products
With Our Designs On Them !

Did you also see our Pretty AMAZING post;

Talking About (Heart-) and 
Fruitful Writer,
great you check out
this blog again today,

Make Sure to Check Out this Recently Create Great Looking Foggy

Made from a simple  
Morning Mist Garden Photo ! ! 



(As always your Comments & Replies
on this post (or other posts) are Welcome...,)

When you are looking for things to write about than you want to have interesting and exciting topics to write about, and this is where Product Review Writing
can be handy because,

Did You See Our Popular Hairy Caterpillar Video,
DISNEY - & MOVIE Merchandise, this BOOKworm and our
- BACK to SCHOOL - Pinterest Board...?

Learn All about Nature, 
Have You already Seen Our Hairy

Here Above you See one of our Popular Cartoon Designs...,

Have You Also Seen Our Special 

BACK to SCHOOL Pinterest Board...?


On this Board you not only See Many of our Own EDS-Designs
like our Cartoon Designs, you also will discover many other already
Well Known Designs from our

(You Can SCROLL-Through this Board 
with the Up & Down Arrows 
in the 'Lift' here on the right)

Did you also see our....., 

As A Writer You Also Want A Good Space
for Your Coffee Breaks &

Did You See
Our Special Coffee Mug Designs...?

Friendship Coffee Postcard

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

J.K. Rowling and Imagination

Did you also see our Pretty AMAZING post;

Talking About (Heart-) and 

4 Engaging Tips for Writing Your Short
(Magazine) Filler Articles Like Product Reviews.

Did you also see our Pretty AMAZING post;
Talking About (Heart-) and 

Welcome Back! 

Fruitful Productive Writer,

Thanks for having you on this blog Today ! 
I like to Start saying that, in my post titled:


Discover the Blogging - Platform - & Build Your Brand


I discovered a Comment from one of our readers with a Link with also some additional Practical & Interesting Article Writing Tips, 
on a Blog named: 

The thing is that as a Productive Happy Writer you might be inclined to aim for complicated hard to achieve Big ambitious (Writing) Projects, for example with things like 


Imaginiative &  


You can See/Read More about our (Beach) Towels  and


 Writing a Novel 

on your Vacation...?

as you can all See and Read About on our Travel Blog !


Writing a - Readers Letter - that Actually Got Published
In the Big (Glossy) Magazine FHM !

Thanks for Visting our Blog once more..., 

In Today's Post I Share With you one of the 
Easiest Ways to Get Published ! 

One of the way's to get your writing published is by writing 'Readers Letters', 
for the 'Prize Letter' section you can discover in many (Glossy) Magazines. 

Many Magazines have something like a 'Prize Letter', 'Star-Letter' or something like that, where you can write your own Readers Letter, Basically writing a letter,

 (Somewhat Similar Like Writing Comments 
or Replies to (our;)) Blog Posts

Usually writing something that shows that you read the Magazine, or that shows 
that you are a regular reader and give Inspiring & Interesting 
Readers Feedback !

 (BTW something similar that I also would like to see from 
- YOU - Reading this 


  - YOUR - 

on my Blog Posts, 
or for Example on our 

 (also see on our Channel the Special 

where I write about a Special VIDEO 
that had Millions of VIEWS ! ! !)

like you can read more about in a post titled:  

Talking about 

T-Shirts & Hoodies

 When you - Click - on them You will see our Designs!


I experimented with writing for Magazines some years ago, and with success, 
One of my Letters/stories actually got published! and....,

It also got me a few (my Writers Workspace Improving)

a  Prize and this little FHM 'Thank You Card'
you see here below:
Talking about Thank You Cards, Did you See 



and about Some of our Recent 
on our Photography Blog.) 

Only to make your chances of getting published bigger you probably better start 

How You Can Effortlessly Cool Down,
Work & Play At the Beach!

Welcome Back!

Great that you keep on checking out this blog where we explore 
the Fun and Facinating things about writing, 

Also making writing More FUN, and creating for example 

So for what
Making Writing More Fun
is concerned,

'What more can we learn from
Summer Holliday's, and Why You
Want to Take Advantage of
this Great Opportunity you can
Discover TODAY...!!!'

Discover a Great Opportunity to
Read Books for Writing Book Reviews:

Once in a while - especially when it's great
Sunny weather
- and it is time for some

Fun & Relaxing
and a Holliday Mood

I go to the Beach

and to be able to effictively

Manage my time....,

(something that's important because
Especially for Writers
Time Management is Important

with some reading material about

Writing & Internet Marketing
or things like

Must Have Travel Reading,
Photography Magazines

Or a Book to write a
Book Review

Cooling Down
& Relaxing:

With this nice hot weather it's
time for things like a

Portable Electric
Air Conditioners
and at home
I frequently turn up a

Fan for a little

Instant Coolness

And Getting Some
Cooling Down at the Beach

Sitting in a nice cool shady spot
reading some info about Home Business while
having a nice (healthy) meal
at a nice Beach Restaurant.

To take a lunch or
just think about
Growing & Developing
New Writing Ideas
and think about things like
How you for example can think about
How you can

Breath New Life
Into Previously Written Blog posts
etc. etc.
Or think about possible new things
that I can buy to help improve my writing
or about things that can help

Make My Workspace
More Inspiring

Than after finishing my lunch throw my Beach Towel
in the sand, putting little mountains of sand on each corner
so that it doesn't get blown away by the wind, getting rid
of my shirt and trowsers with only my Swimming Boxer Shorts on.
(Btw. talking about Writers Lifestyle,
and swimming, you might like to have a look at:

This Inspiring Video
where you can see how writer Ray Bradbury (besides his
swimming pool) talked about his writing.)
(BTW at: HP's Happy TRAVEL - at the
Packing List Page

- you can find a complete

'Beach Outfit'
if you want to Instantly
get into your 'Holliday Mood')

(Btw you might for example need a practical
Waterproof Digital Camera if you
are into things like Scuba Diving)

Simply lying on the beach soaking up the Sun
while doing some more reading, for example a

to review,
or reading things like

Home Business Books,
Consumer Magazines or
Trade Magazines
or listening to my Stereo Solar Radio with my

on my head or
for my eyes when reading.Than going for a swim nicely cooling down easily
and relaxed floating arround accopanierd by the Sun and
a nice Blue Sky and seeing the Sun Chattered into
a hundred little Suns reflecting on the small waves.
'Exactly as you can see on the 'Book Cover Photo'
of the little (e)book I wrote that you can pre-view

for free at:

The VISION eBook FREE Preview (BTW when you want to have a 'Six-Pack' Tummy
to Look Good while swimming You might like to have
a look at: the

Getting Ready for Going to the Beach post
at my Healthy Lifestyle Blogspot)
Or like to have a look at for example

Zumba at HP's Healthy Lifestyle
to work a little on the abs.
Relaxed Floating around or Moving around like a fish
while splashing the sunny sparkling water arround.
Than afterwards dry in the sun while reading some
info about Internet Marketing getting new ideas for
my Online Home Business and
when I am dry again 'Rinse and Repeat'



In an Upcoming Post you will
be able to read more about

Other Inspiring Blog Posts

That can help you discover
what you can do
with Blogging & More!

Your Thoughts....?

'Do You Write Product Reviews
For Your Blog?'

Other Related Posts
That You Sure Will Like, When You Enjoyed
Reading This Post:

Start Your Own - Writing Business - by Becomming a Blogger

Writing Articles to Build your Brand

Writing About Previous Posts

Blogging For Your Business

Now Everybody Can Comment on this Blog

Conversational Writing on Blogs

Thank You You Are a Fantastic Audience Dynamic Writing

Other Interesting Links:


Great Links

Upcoming Events

To Write - Your - Comments, simply click the Comments-Link here below:

You Don't Want to Do Without Memorabilia for Your
(Product Review) Writing Inspiration.

Did you also see our Pretty AMAZING post;
Talking About (Heart-) and 

Thanks for (also) checking out
this Inspirational Blog Posts,

Some Writers like to Write while hearing Music from their favorite 

 Others also like to make their Interior Inspirational 
in other ways.....,


Things To Make
Your Writers Office

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

When you are a Blogger: How about this Technique
for Writing New Blog Posts?

'You Need to Give your Blog a Heartbeat...,'

You need have a 'Continu Rythem'

or a 'GROOVE'



Did you also see our Pretty AMAZING post;
Talking About (Heart-) and 

 Thanks for Checking out this Post Today ! 

As you could read in a previous post about using
a Computer for Dynamic Writing, I wrote
about creating (hyper) links,

I Almost Finished My Bestselling NOVEL !

See the - Product Page -
of this Product

(and our Cookie Jar Designs)

Thanks for Your Support & Ideas !

As you know we like to WRITE, and besides
Regular (Business) Writing
, with things like 

or for example

for Magazines...., etc. etc.

we also frequently WRITE 
more Personal things like for Example - Emails - and 

(with the help of some of 
our (Many Pages !) own 


(See more (Wild) Cats)

Did You Already See Our EVERGREEN, Multi-Selling and
Recent - NEW - (Post-& Greeting Card) Designs
(and Our (Very) Cute Roe VIDEO....? ! !)

In our recent Previous post I wrote about a few of our 

And at the Moment I see that Some of you also seem to Discover  some of our 

Most Recent New Designs aswell Like our;

A Small - Comment & Reply writing - Case Study

There are many ways that we see responses from you, 

Not only by the Comments & Replies you write on blog posts, 

You can also Respond in many other ways, 

Like I also wrote about in a Post on our EDS Newsfacts Blog titled: 

Thank - YOU - for VOTING, Commenting, Liking, 

Retweeting & Saving Our PIN's ! ! ! 

There are many ways you can respond, both

 Passively & Actively ! ! !

You can simply look at the designs in our Webshop(s) or for example

You can Send Messages to Friends,

Monday, August 19, 2024

Specially Designed Notebooks
That Instantly Get You Inspired!



With this Practical TOOL for your WRITING !

As you can read in a Forum Threat titled:

Do You Write Every Day? you can read that I Do
we also write in our own 

Selfdesigned Notebooks or in any of our Special 

As I wrote about in a previous blogpost titled:

Here You See Some of Our Most Recent - &
EVERGREEN - Multi Selling Cards - You Buy in Bulk !

Great to Frequently See them Among our 

🙏👍 Thanks for Buying ! 

It's great to See that Many of our CARDS  are Multi Sellers 
that Many of you Buy a Bunch from ! 

Also See Our Other 

and Our 
(Many Pages !) of other 


A Few Days in the Life of Us (Post - & Greeting Card) - DESIGNERS - With Using Our Own (Personalized Designs) to Send Messages !

Red Eyed Gaudí Night Frog Birthday Postcard
Red Eyed Gaudí Night Frog Birthday Postcard
(as You Can See I Corrected the Design

So that You Better See The Image of the Frog, as you can see in the Other Design here below it wasn't yet that good, so I made a little Improvement, you can easily Personalise Designs)

(BTW you Can Also Read More About 
this Frog 
on our Travel Blog)

Hello Reader,
great to have you on our Blog Today...., 

Today I like to tell you about the fact that
we 'Scratch Our Own Itches' with the 

How about Imagining going to a Restaurant 
where the Cook himself doesn't taste his or her own Food....? ! ! 

Wouldn't that be a little Weird...? well just because of that 

- WE - (obviously) Do make a lot of Use 
of our Own Designs Ourselves also....! ! !

 In our Previous post You could read about 

In this post I will Share a few Examples about how - WE - Ourselves use Our own Cards to Send as Real Cards, or as Social Share Cards. 


This Postcard below we Actually Did Send Today for a Birhday,

We also some time ago had a few other Birthdays and I did send several Personalized Cards similar to  the - FROG - You see here above 

(obviously than I created a Birthday Messages
instead of a 'Welcome Reader' Message) 

Child Birth;

We also had someone with a Child Birth from a Boy named Milan so we created 
a Personalized Card to Congratulate as you can see here below,


Some Recent - Thank You - Messages;

Than we also had a few random - Inbetween (Dutch Language) Thank You Messages - like with this Postcard here below:

Beautiful Cosmea Flowers Thank You Postcard
Beautiful Cosmea Flowers Thank You Postcard
by EdelhertDesignStudio
(And for a 80th Birthday we did send one of our Mosaic Design Cards like the one you see here below:)  80th Birthday Mosaic Art Postcard
80th Birthday Mosaic Art Postcard
by EdelhertDesignStudio

HELLO Postcard;

And we also once had to Send a HELLO Postcard with a Message, 
to ask about if we got the right Mobile Telephone number etc. etc. 

  This is a HELLO PostCard You can Discover in our

(This is Just an Example because I am not entirely sure which of our 
Many HELLO Postcards we actually did send this time) 

Do You Want to Discover Our Great Looking DIY & Ready Made Post- & Greeting Card Designs...?


Show them To Me
In Your Web-Store(s)

NO, Not At the Moment, Now I Just Want to Check Out
All the New (Most Popular) Posts On this Blog...,

- The Posts about Online Blogging,
- The Post about Inspiration
- The Posts about Books
- The Posts about Writing Success

- Also Discover our.....,

Most Recent TWEETS:

See our TOP 10 Most Popular Posts to Comment on here in the Left Side Bar ! Thanks for Writing - YOUR - Comments & Replies, on our Blog Posts, adding Extra Value to this Blog !
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Welcome on this Blog, here Above you see our (Latest) Most Recent Posts, that you can Actively COMMENT ON, if you Like ! as you Can Read More About On Our EDS-Newsfacts Blog (Scrolling down to the 'Recent Posts' Section)
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Read Here About the BENEFITS of BLOGGING !

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Holiday Cards 2018

See Our EDS Cards!

See Our EDT Cards!

We also have Great Looking Notebooks like for example this one,
that is one our Popular EVERGREENS ! ! !:

and for example this one here below:

P.S. also see our Highly Special TRAVEL NOTEBOOKS & JOURNALS !

Thank you for Writing - YOUR - Comments & Replies on our Blog Posts, adding Extra Value !
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- How To: MANAGE Your Writing, CONNECT With Conversational Writing, WRITE ARTICLES to Build Your Brand, Blog Design: 6 POWERFUL TECHNIQUES To Make Your Blog Attractive & 'Sticky' >>, Inspiration: - Interviews, >>> Discover this Guide to Getting Your Book Published,
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Practical Tools
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DISCOVER How a Simple Coffee Mug Can Help You GET - INSTANT FOCUS & MOTIVATION-for-Writing!!!


DISCOVER Coffee Mugs!!! LOOK How Many There Are!!!

Discover More Practical Products In the Writers Shop, >>, Inspiring Workspaces * - Memorabilia, * -Success Gadgets * -Vacations * -Relaxing, * -Books, * No Time To Waste * >>>> Read More >>>>

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